Men’s Ministry


Mens Ministry is about encouraging and empowering men to be all God has called them to be. The Bible clearly defines the role of the man in his spiritual walk, family life and in society. This ministry places emphasis on the Biblical patterns as the foundation for men to become leaders and live meaningful lives. The title “Men of Honour” was chosen because this is what men will become when they choose to walk in God’s way.

A man of God is strong and desires to be a good soldier for the Lord Jesus Christ.He strives to have an excellent character, a reputation for good behaviour, loyalty, and to be a man whose word can be trusted. We invite all men, young and old to join us as we follow the ancient path of manhood that God has set before us in His glorious Word.
For more information about Dominion Mens Ministry Events email us:

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
1 Cor. 16:13-14